I consume a lot of media in any given day: magazine articles, web stuff, books, music, movie clips, blah blah blah... It's my day job, and it's what keeps me up at night. So in any given day I'll read a funny article on Cracked.com, listen to a history podcast by Dan Carlin, and work through a pile of proof-reading, copy editing and, occasionally, even some actual writing.
So I'm used to a blend of media. And my intention with this blog is to share some of the things I stumble upon with you – whether those things are funny or serious or stupid or clever or whatever.
Which explains this rather depressing link.
Foreign Policy magazine have posted a photo essay called Portraits of Instability, where they highlight the 20 most unstable countries in the world. As someone who lives in Africa, it was seriously depressing stuff. As I was flipping through the gallery, I started wondering – Zimbabwe... Sudan... DRC... – if all 20 countries were going to be African.
It took Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Korea to fill the rest of the list.
Man, that's depressing. I guess I'll have to post something happy this afternoon.