Guardian blogger Roy Greenslade has a post up (which, in an irony that will soon become apparent, he lifted from elsewhere) on 10 Ugly Truths About Modern Journalism. As good as it is, I'm not going to reproduce the list here (my Copy/Paste tool isn't as sharp as Roy's), but I can comment on three of the entries:
6. Some journalists use Wikipedia
That should say "all" journalists. Trust me.
8. Many journalists have side projects
That should say: "Most journalists cannot afford to not have side projects." A mid-level salary in publishing is like an entry-level salary in commerce.
2. Many stories are not copy edited
This is especially true for online news. But you want to hear the scariest part? The editors at some online news outlets (coughNews24cough) actually take great pride in the fact that their stories are not spell-checked, grammar-checked, or – get this – fact-checked before they're published. Hence all the unapologetic "President Is Shot / Wait, No He's Not / OK Maybe He Is / No, We Were Thinking About Some Other Guy / OK Nobody Got Shot / How Do You Spell President Again?" stories.