Wait, Wait

I'm loving the NPR radio show/podcast Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me. It's a news quiz show where they have a panel of guests (PJ O'Rourke has been on a couple of times) answering questions on behalf of themselves and call-in contestants. The show hosts - Peter Sagal and Carl Kasell – are very witty, and the show runs like an interactive talkshow monologue.

It's pretty much impossible to not laugh (or at least smile, if you're listening on a crowded train on your morning commute) at the sharp one-liners.

It kinda makes me sad that we would never see (or indeed hear) a show like this - or like the brilliant UK show Have I Got News For You - on South African airwaves. You can imagine how it'd work: they'd have the über-earnest Jeremy Maggs, the witless Jeremy Mansfield or the charmless Colin Moss as the host, they'd battle to find three interesting people for the panel, and all the jokes would be about politicians in general but (lest we offend) no politicians in specific.

Wait? We're going to have to.